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Sherrie Welfel

Sherrie Welfel, High School Classroom TeacherClassroom Teacher

EdD, Liberty University
MS, University of Texas, San Antonio
BS, Texas A&M University

Dr. Sherrie Welfel graduated from Texas A&M University with a BS in Animal Science. During her college years, she was actively involved on the meat judging team which took her throughout the Plains states in competition. After graduating, she began coaching collegiate and 4-H meat judging teams. Her interest in meat science landed her a career in the meat industry where she became a quality control director, director of research and development, and a microbiological lab director. To enhance her career, she obtained an MS in Biotechnology with a focus in molecular genetics from the University of Texas in San Antonio.

As her family grew, she recognized the need to homeschool her children. Dr. Welfel and her husband of 38 years have home educated their eight children with the last two currently taking HSLDA courses. When her children started attending college, she became interested in starting her own tutoring business and mentoring college students. She then realized the benefits of obtaining an EdD in Educational Leadership online from Liberty University. Dr. Welfel brings online teaching experience as she has taught Biology 101 at Liberty University for nine years.

Her hobbies include shooting sports, long distance bike rides, boating, and teaching robotics at a homeschool co-op while participating in statewide robotic competitions. Teaching biology from a Christian worldview is her favorite as she shares creation from the Designer of life.

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).