3rd Place: Bradley Babilino
Bradley has many diverse hobbies: golf, music composition, bowling, business—what unites all these interests? Bradley laughed when we asked. “Homeschooling actually had a big impact on that,” he says. “It just gave me the flexibility to pursue lots of things. I also love to read, and reading helped introduce me to new things too.” He says that golf, however, is probably his favorite. He’s played competitively as an individual. And while homeschooling, he was even able to compete with a team for a local Christian school. It was an amazing experience. “I loved being part of a team,” he says. Unfortunately, three years ago, Bradley had a series of knee injuries which sidelined him from golf. He admits it was a difficult time, but also insists it opened him up to new experiences. It was during this period, for instance, that he became more involved with music. “Whatever position you’re in, make the most of it,” he says, after reflecting on those years. “Try as many things as you can, and then focus in on what you really like.” Bradley will take this “can do’ attitude with him to Christopher Newport University, where he will study Business, minor in Leadership Studies, and has been accepted to the President’s Leadership Program. For his Business discipline, he’s most interested in Finance, and hopes to run a business someday. But why minor in Leadership Studies? “It’s really important for learning to work as a team. That was one of my favorite parts of Business & Entrepreneurship at HSLDA. I was part of the only group in my class which chose to do a group project. I just learned so much from working with others.” Sandy Miller, Bradley’s instructor in Business & Entrepreneurship, says that Bradley exhibits qualities she looked for in candidates as a National Marketing Manager for Xerox; but Bradley sums up his best quality more modestly: “I’m good at taking instruction. I can learn and implement instruction, and start to improve.” That quality will serve you well, Bradley, wherever life takes you. Congratulations again!